
- Admission
- Graduate School
- Admission Information
Admission Information
Information for applicants for admission of the Foreign Students to the Master's Program, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, beginning in April 2020
This admission exam does not prepare application guidelines for the booklet.
Applicants should carefully read the Guidelines for Admission(PDF), download the required documents from below, and submit or mail them to the Graduate School during the application period.
> Guidelines for Admission(PDF)
> Laboratories, Areas of Research, and Staff(PDF)
> Required Documents(Prescribed Form)(PDF)
- - Application form
- - Photograph Card / Examination Registration Card
- - Personal History for Foreign Applicants
- - Certificate of receipt
- - Name and Address Card
* Application documents other than those mentioned above should be prepared by yourselves.
* The completed application form and required items (1)~(11) listed above must be submitted to the Student Affairs Section, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, from 9:00 till 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. from Tuesday, November 26 to Friday, November 29, 2019.
Examination Subjects and Instructions for Subject Choice
Title of subject:1 Applied Mathematics, 2 Strength of Materials, 3 Physical Chemistry, 4 Organic Chemistry, 5 Biological Chemistry, 6 Genetics, 7 Microbiology, 8 Cell Biology, 9 Plant Physiology, 10 Animal Physiology, 11 Animal Morphology, 12 Insect Science, 13 Ecology, 14 Hydrology, 15 Soil Science, 16 Forest Resources Management, 17 Biomass Sciences, 18 Natural Polymer Chemistry, 19 Plant Production Sciences, 20 Animal Production Sciences, 21 Fish Biology, 22 Plant Protection, 23 Food Economics, 24 International Agricultural Sciences
* For the contents of each subject, please refer to the following.
* Select any two subjects from Nos. 1 to 24.
Applicants who major in “Organic Chemistry”, “Bioactive Molecules”, “Food and Biodynamics”, and “Polymer Chemistry” (Applied Biosciences) are recommended to select two subjects from among Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7 and 18.
* Applicants must describe subjects chosen in the application form, the Photograph Card and the Examination Registration Card.
* Notice for subject choice. You cannot change subjects that you have described in the application form.
For more information on the examinations, ask:
Student Affairs Section,
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601
TEL: (052) 789-4967(English),789-4299(Japanese)
E-mail: nou-kyomu[at]
<Changes in examination schedule and procedures due to unforeseen circumstances>
The examination schedule and selection measures may be modified in the event of an outbreak of infectious disease or other unforseen circumstances. Please check the website regularly for the latest notices, especially in the days preceding the application and examination periods.
- Website of Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,Nagoya University
(Admission Information)
- Contact info:
Student Affairs Section, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,Nagoya University
Tel (052)789-4967(English),789-4299(Japanese)