
- Professor Hisashi Kajimura's research results were introduced on the Eurekalert! top page
The research result of graduate school student Yukio Ichioka and professor Hisashi Kajimura (Laboratory of Forest Protection) was introduced on the top page of Eurekalert! It was also featured on other international press websites.
Why do tree frogs lay their eggs on the groun | EurekAlert!
Why tree frogs live in trees but lay their eggs on the ground (
Tree Frogs Lay Eggs on Ground: Unveiling Why | Mirage News
Why tree frogs lay eggs on the ground (
Why do tree frogs lay their eggs on the ground? (
地上のカエルの卵は樹上よりも保温され、孵化に有利 〜地球"寒冷化"時代の産卵戦略を維持?〜 - 名古屋大学研究成果情報 (