What's new (Laboratory of Genome and Epigenome Dynamics, Nagoya University)
Ichiyanagi organized a workshop entitled “Revisiting transposons: in association with host environments” at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitamura (M. Sc. student) presented a poster at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Title: Epigenetic systems for regulation of transcription of mouse SINE retrotransposons.
Title: Epigenetic systems for regulation of transcription of mouse SINE retrotransposons.
Ishikawa (Ph.D. student) organized a workshop for young scientists at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitao (post-doc) presented an invited talk in the workshop entitled “Exploring the primordial life: implications for birth of life and the gene system” at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Title: Co-option of transposable elements: diversity and evolution of vertebrates.
Title: Co-option of transposable elements: diversity and evolution of vertebrates.
Ishikawa (Ph.D. student) and Ichiyanagi gave oral presentations at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Ishikawa: Elucidating the mechanisms for male-specific chromosome silencing and sex determination system in mealybug.
Ichiyanagi: Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse.
Ishikawa: Elucidating the mechanisms for male-specific chromosome silencing and sex determination system in mealybug.
Ichiyanagi: Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse.
Ichiyanagi organized a gender-equality forum at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitao (post-doc) organized the workshop entitled “Evolution of the host and wandering genes: a virus-transposon perspective” and gave a talk at the 26th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Evolution.
Talk title: Dynamic evolution of endogenous retrotransposons in the monotreme genomes.
Talk title: Dynamic evolution of endogenous retrotransposons in the monotreme genomes.
Sophia Nunez and Jacob Baker (3rd year undergraduates in North Carolina State University) joind the lab as short-tem students
Our paper on the effect of insertions of mouse L1 retrotransposons on histone acetylation has been accepted by Mobile DNA.
Boyboy and Ichiyanagi "Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse."
Boyboy and Ichiyanagi "Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse."
Buno and Pan (new Ph. D. students) joined the lab.
Kitao (post-doc) and Suzuki (M. Sc. student) presented a talk in the 4th
spring meeting of Japanease Society of Genetics.
Kitao: The birth and evolution of species-specific genes - a transposon perspective.
Suzuki: Comparative study of transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in human and chimpanzee cells during neural development.
Kitao: The birth and evolution of species-specific genes - a transposon perspective.
Suzuki: Comparative study of transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in human and chimpanzee cells during neural development.
Meeting report for the 6th TE meeting has been published in Mobile DNA.
link to the article
link to the article
Ichiyanagi presented a talk in a symposium entitled "The TE code in
the formation of 3D nuclear structure" in the 46th annual meeting
of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Title: Regulatory mechanism of the expression of human Alu SINE.
Title: Regulatory mechanism of the expression of human Alu SINE.
Ms. Kawabe and Mr. Yamanaka joined the lab.
Our review article has been accepted by Genes and Genetic Systems.
Kawase and Ichiyanagi "Mouse retrotransposons: sequence structure, evolutional age, genomic distribution, and function." link to the article
Kawase and Ichiyanagi "Mouse retrotransposons: sequence structure, evolutional age, genomic distribution, and function." link to the article
Shimomuku(M. Sc. student) received Young Best Poster Award in the 95th
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.