

Our paper on COVID-19 has been puiblished in Genes to Cells.
Yoshida & Ohtani "Activation of Evolutionarily Young Endogenous Retroviruses Is Implicated in COVID-19 Immunopathology."


Kitao (post-doc) presented an invited talk in a symposium entitled “Retroelemenets: Enemy or Friend?" in the 47th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Title: Diversity of retroelement-derived genes.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in a symposyum entitled “Metabolic reproductive biology: regulation of the reproductive cycle by nutrition and metabolism” in the 47th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Title: Diabetes-induced abnormalities in the sperm epigenome and their heredity
Ichiyanagi organized a symposium entitled "Higher order genome regulation and function mediated by the transposable element code (TEC)” in the 47th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Otani, Boyboy (post-doc), and Morita (M2) presented a poster in the 47th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Otani: Comprehensive analysis of gene-TE chimeric RNAs produced in COVID-19 patients
Boyboy: Paternal transgenerational epigenetic Inheritance of diabetes in mice
Morita: Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer activity of the DNA demethylating drug, 5-azacytidine」
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in the 39th International Kumamoto Medical Bioscience Symposium. Title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons during germ cell development in the mouse
Kitao (post-doc) presented an invited talk in the 4th Japan-Korea International Symposium for Transposable Elements.
Title: Impacts of retroviral envelope proteins on mammalian evolution
Ichiyanagi presented a seminar in Center for Genome and Gene resource, Kagawa University.
Title: Intersection of epigenetics and transposable elements
Mr. Konno joined the lab.
Ichiyanagi organized a workshop entitled “Revisiting transposons: in association with host environments” at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitamura (M. Sc. student) presented a poster at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Title: Epigenetic systems for regulation of transcription of mouse SINE retrotransposons.
Ishikawa (Ph.D. student) organized a workshop for young scientists at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitao (post-doc) presented an invited talk in the workshop entitled “Exploring the primordial life: implications for birth of life and the gene system” at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Title: Co-option of transposable elements: diversity and evolution of vertebrates.
Ishikawa (Ph.D. student) and Ichiyanagi gave oral presentations at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Ishikawa: Elucidating the mechanisms for male-specific chromosome silencing and sex determination system in mealybug.
Ichiyanagi: Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse.
Ichiyanagi organized a gender-equality forum at the 96th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Kitao (post-doc) organized the workshop entitled “Evolution of the host and wandering genes: a virus-transposon perspective” and gave a talk at the 26th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Evolution.
Talk title: Dynamic evolution of endogenous retrotransposons in the monotreme genomes.
Sophia Nunez and Jacob Baker (3rd year undergraduates in North Carolina State University) joind the lab as short-tem students
Our paper on the effect of insertions of mouse L1 retrotransposons on histone acetylation has been accepted by Mobile DNA.
Boyboy and Ichiyanagi "Insertion of short L1 sequences generates inter-strain histone acetylation differences in the mouse."
Buno and Pan (Ph. D. students) joined the lab.
Kitao (post-doc) and Suzuki (M. Sc. student) presented a talk in the 4th spring meeting of Japanease Society of Genetics.
Kitao: The birth and evolution of species-specific genes - a transposon perspective.
Suzuki: Comparative study of transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in human and chimpanzee cells during neural development.


Meeting report for the 6th TE meeting has been published in Mobile DNA.
Journal page
Ichiyanagi presented a talk in a symposium entitled "The TE code in the formation of 3D nuclear structure" in the 46th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Title: Regulatory mechanism of the expression of human Alu SINE.
Ms. Kawabe and Mr. Yamanaka joined the lab.
Our review article has been accepted by Genes and Genetic Systems.
Kawase and Ichiyanagi "Mouse retrotransposons: sequence structure, evolutional age, genomic distribution, and function." link to the article
Shimomuku(M. Sc. student) received Young Best Poster Award in the 95th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Shimomuku and Yoshida (M. Sc. students) presented a poster in the 95th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Shimomuku: Mechanisms for regulation of retrotransposons in mouse male germ cells.
Yoshida: Analysis of chimeric transcripts composed of a gene and a retrotransposon induced in human COVID-19 patients.
Ichiyanagi present a talk in the 95th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Title: Analysis of expression of human Alu SINEs by the melRNA-seq method.
Ichiyanagi organized a gender-equality forum at the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Suzuki (M. Sc. student) gave an invited talk in a symposium "EvoDevo studies of phenotypic novelty and diversity in mammals using zoo iPS cells" in the 74th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan.
Title: Understanding primate evolution in view of epigenome using the iPSC-based technology.
Ishikawa (M. Sc. student) presented a talk in the 74th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan.
Title: Exploration of genes involved in a phenomenon of male-specific chromosome inactivation in the Japanese mealybug Planococcus kraunhiae
Ichiyanagi organized the 6th Japanease transposable element meeting in National Institute of Genetics; and Kitao (post-doc) and Ichiyanagi presented invited talks.
Kitao: Diversity of transposon-derived genes in amniotes.
Ichiyanagi: Regulatory mechanisms of SINE expression in mammals.
Suzuki (M. Sc. student) presented a poster in the 39th annual meeting of Primate Society of Japan.
Title: Comparative analysis of epigenomes between human and chimpanzee during their neural development.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in the 16th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Epigenetics.
Title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons during germ-cell development in the mouse --- a retrotransposon perspective.
Kizuki (lab tech) joined the lab.
Kitao (post-doc) and Kitamura (M. Sc. student) joied the lab.
Boyboy (Ph. D. student) presented a poster in the 36th International Mammalian Genome Conference.
Title: Paternal transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of diabetes in mice.
Kawase (Ph. D. student) and Ishikawa (M. Sc. student) presented a poster in the 3rd spring meeting of Japanease Society of Genetics.
Kawase: The mechanisms of retrotransposon regulation in mouse spermatocytes by H3K9me3 and DNA methylation.
Ishikawa: Toward idemntifying genes involved in male-specific whole-chromosome silencing in a mealybug, Planococcus kraunhiae/.


Boyboy and Kawase (Ph. D. students) presented a poster in the 45th annualmeeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Boyboy: Paternal transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of diabetes in mice.
Kawase: The expression dynamics of piRNAs derived from male germline piRNA clusters and retrotransposons.
Tsuzuki and Uebayashi (undergraduate students) joined the lab.
Otani presented an invited talk at a symposium in the 51st annual meeting of Japanese society of environmental mutagen and genome.
Title: DNA demethylation agents inhibit proliferation of cancer cells via activation of retrotransposons.
Our paper on the epigenome evolution using human and chimpanzee iPS cells has been accepted by Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Hirata et al. "Sequence divergence and retrotransposon insertion underlie interspecific epigenetic differences in primates."
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in the workshop entitled “Stem cell technologies driving cellular anthropology and primatology” in the joint annual meeting of the Antoropological Society of Nippon and Primate Society of Japan.
Title: Toward the understanding of the epigenome evolution in primates.
Ichiyanagi organized a workshop entitled “the basis and function of the higher order nuclear structure” in the 94th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Otsuka (M. Sc. student), Kawase (Ph. D. student), and Ichiyanagi presented a talk in the 94th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Otsuka: Alteration in DNA methylome and transcriptome during spermatogenesis in diabetic mice.
Kawase: Loss of H3K9me3 due to SETDB1 deficiency in mouse male germ cells derepress ERVK retrotransposons.
Ichiyanagi: Genomic origins of interspecies epigenetic differences in human and chimpanzee iPS cells.
Kawase organized (Ph. D. student) the 1st meeting of young researchers of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Ichiyanagi organized a gender-equality forum at the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in the symposium for enviromental epigenomics.
Title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons in mammals.
Our paper on the expression dynamics of piRNAs during male germ cell development has been accepted by Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Kawase M. and Ichiyanagi K. "The expression dynamics of piRNAs derived from male germline piRNA clusters and retrotransposons."
Yoshida and Suzuki (MSc. students) joined the lab.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in the 50th himinization research meeting.
Title: Comparative study on the ep@igenomes of human and chimpanzee iPS cells.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in a symposium entitled "Medical biosciences using primate iPS cells" in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Regenerative Medicine.
Title: Study on the epigenome evolution using primate iPS cells.
Meeting Report on the 5th TE meeting has been published in Mobile DNA. [link]


Ichiyanagi organized a workshop entitled "Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons in germ cells and its transgenerational effects" in the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology, and Masaki Kawase (Ph. D. student) presented an invited talk there.
Title: Role for H3K9me3 and DNA methylation in regulation of retrotransposons in mouse spermatocytes.
Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk in a workshop entitled "Genome functions created by transposable elements" in the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Molecular Biology.
Title: Mouse B2 SINE serves as a transposable chromatin boundary.
Kondo and Morita (undergraduate students) joined the lab.
Ichiyanagi organized a workshop entitled "Towards the understanding of the mechanisms of transgenerational inheritance -- from the view of environmental factors and epigenetics" in the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Genetics, and Beverly boyboy (M. Sc. student) presented an invited talk there.
title: Paternal Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance of Diabetes in Mice
Otani organized a workshop entitled "Evolutionary interplay between mammalian genomes and retrotransposons" in the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Genetics, and presented a talk there.
title: Demethylation of retrotransposons inhibits proliferation of cancer cells.
Ichiyanagi presented a talk in the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Genetics.
title: MelRNA-seq: a new method to analyze SINE expression at the single-locus level.
Ichiyanagi organized a gender-equality forum at the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Genetics.
Ichiyanagi organized the 5th Japanease transposable emelemt meeting, and Kawase (Ph. D. student) and Ichiyanagi presented their talks.
Masaki Kawase "SETDB1-dependent mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of retrotransposons in mouse male germ cells"
Kenji Ichiyanagi "Chromatin conpartmetalization by SINE sequences"
Kawase (Ph. D. student) presented a poster in FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Mobile DNA meeting (online).
title: The role of SETDB1 in repression o f retrotransposons in mouse germ cells.
Ichiyanagi K. presented a talk in FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Mobile DNA meeting (online).
title: B2 SINE copies serve as a transposable boundary of DNA methylation and histone modifications in the mouse.
Our paper on a new sequencing method for noncoding RNAs of intermiediate length has been accepted by Mobile DNA.
Mori Y. and Ichiyanagi K. "melRNA-seq for expression analysis of SINE RNAs and other medium-length noncoding RNAs."
link to the article page
A review article by Otani and Iwasaki on the role of transposons in gene regulation and evolution has been accepted by Dev Growth Differ.
Ohtani H. and Iwasaki YW. "Rewiring of chromatin state and gene expression by transposable elements."
link to the article page
Our paper on the function of SINEs has been published in Mol Biol Evol.
Ichiyanagi T. et al. "B2 SINE copies serve as a transposable boundary of DNA methylation and histone modifications in the mouse."
link to the article page


Boyboy (M.Sc. student) presented a poster entitled "Paternal transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of diabetes in mice" in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Molecular Biology.
Shimomuku and Ishikawa (undergraduate students) joined the lab.
Dr. Hitoshi Otani joined the lab as an assistant professor.


Four graduate students presented posters in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Molecular Biology at Fukuoka.
Hirata M. "Comparative analysis of histone modifications between human and chimpanzee iPS Cells."
Sugimoto H. "Study on the retrotransposon regulatory systems during male germ cell development in mice."
Kawase M. "The role for SETDB1, a H3K9 methyltransferase, during development of male germ cells in the mouse."
Mori Y. "Epigenetic regulation of SINEs during male germ cell development in mice."
Ohtsuka and Fujiwara (undergraduate students) joined the lab.
Ichiyanagi K. organized the symposium entitled "Stem cell anthropology" and presented a talk in Nagoya University.
title: Roles for cis regulatory sequences and transposons in the evolution of primate epigenome.
Sarina Salamon (Univ. Bristol, UK) joined the lab.
Sugimoto (M.Sc. student) presented a talk in the annual meeting of Japanease Sciety of Genetics.
title: Dynamics of epigenetic states during mouse male germ cell development and its association with retrotransposon regulation.
Ichiyanagi K. organized the workshop entitled "Gene reguratory mechnisms during development of vertebrates" and presented a talk in the annual meeting of Japanease Sciety of Genetics.
title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons during mouse male germ cell development.
Ichiyanagi K. presented an invited talk in FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Mobile DNA meeting at Palm Springs, CA, USA.
title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons during mouse male germ cell development.
Ichiyanagi K. presented an invited talk in the 3rd Korea-Japan symposium on transposable elements at Busan, South Korea.
title: Expression, DNA methylation, and the activity of chromatin boundary formation of mouse short interspersed elements (SINEs).
Beverly Ann Boyboy (from the University of Philippine) joined the lab.
Meeting Report on the 4th TE meeting has been published in Mobile DNA. [link]
Sugiwaka and Hondo (undergraduate students) joined the lab.


Ichiyanagi K. presented a talk in the workshop entitled "Germ cell epimutations by environmental stress and their inheritance" in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Molecular Biology at Yokohama.
title: Locus-specific hypomethylation of the mouse IAP retrotransposon is associated with transcription factor-binding sites..
Sugimoto (M.Sc. student) presented a poster in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Molecular Biology at Yokohama.
title: Temporal changes in the retrotransposon regulatory systems during male germ cell development in mice.
Ichiyanagi K. organized the workshop entitled "Epigenomic perspectives of human diversity, evolution, and disease" in the annual meeting of Japanease Society of Molecular Biology at Yokohama.
Ichiyanagi K. presented an invited talk in the 2018 meeting of Korean Society of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Soeul.
title: Epigenetic regulation of retrotransposons during male germ cell development in mice.
The 4th meeting on interactions between hosts and transposable elements was held at National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan.
Organizers: Kenji Ichiyanagi (NU), Kuniaki Saito (NIG), and Tetsuji Kakutani (NIG)
Kawase (MSc. student) joined the lab.
Hashimoto and Mori (undergraduate students) joined the lab.


Our paper (by Shimosuga et al.) studying the regulation of DNA methylation in mouse IAP retrotransposons has been accepted by Mobile DNA.
Our paper (by Inoue et al.) studying the roles for DNA methylation and piRNAs in retrotransposon regulation in mouse male germ cells has been accepted by PLoS Genetics.
K. Ichiyanagi presented an invited talk at the 2nd Japan-Korea International Symposium for Transposable Elements.(26-27 June, Tokyo)
Our paper (by Fukuda et al.) studying the DNA methylomes of human, chimpanzee, and Japanese macaque has been accepted by Human Molecular Genetics.
Hirata and Sugimoto (undergraduate students) joined the lab.


Meeting Report on the 3rd TE meeting has been published in Mobile DNA. [link]
Dr. T. Ichiyanagi (post-doc) joined the lab.
The 3rd meeting on interactions between hosts and transposable elements was held at National Institute of Genetics, Japan.
Organizers: Kenji Ichiyanagi (Nagoya U.) and Tetsuji Kakutani (NIG)
Yoshikawa (office assistant) joined the lab.
The new lab started.
  • Nagoya University
  • Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences and School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University